Firstly apologies for the delay. Yesterday we had some misplaced luggage and it took many phone calls and the 4 teachers 2.5 hours to check through 120 peices of Concordia luggage ID numbers (cross referenced with receipts) to work out which number matched the lost one (unfortunately as a group we don't get individual names and numbers on tags when checking in at the airport). However on tour, these hurdles sometimes occur.
The kids had a wonderful time this morning on our 1/2 day tour visiting temples, George Town and a 400 year old British fort. We then had an incredible lunch at a Chinese cafe before coming back to the hotel to refresh before heading to the Butterworth RMAF base.
The performance here was another amazing event. Concordia was so welcome and the audience absolutely loved us!
This is the All Ranks Club for those Aust. Air Force members based in Penang. It's a club/recreation facility for service men and women and their families. They had never had such a performance as they were dancing in the aisles and had the largest attendance to an event since the AFL Grand Final. The kids again felt like rock stars and the CEO has already asked us back!
Talk to you soon.
Hopefully the luggage crisis didn't ruin the day, although I am sure there were a few frazzled nerves! Travelling, and especially plane travel, is a great way to develop patience! Keep smiling! Barb