After a lazy morning which included an awesome breakfast, at 10am we all piled in to 4 separate (pink) taxi Vans to explore the island. Our first stop was a ship building yard in a fishing village. Just fascinating. The kids were intrigued at how the people here would live in this environment, but were very appreciative of what we have in OZ.
We then moved on to a Chinese temple before wondering the main street of Pangkor Town. After another amazing lunch we went back to the resort to rest up and refresh before our gig tonight. The kids all met us at 5.30pm to set up the show in the dining area. We then all ate together before we launched into a 1.5hr show. The kids were great again and our music is certainly feeling more settled and comfortable. This feeling is tranfering into the group as a whole, with different students hanging out together and just all getting on. The multi-national audience were extremely enthusiastic about us.
Once we packed up, we all went for a wonder along the beach before heading back to our rooms.I'm unsure about internet access at Teluk Intan but I will do my best to chat to you tomorrow.
I see a theme emerging here- Matt seems to be enjoying the amazingly wonderful awesomeness of the food. Not that we're jealous, much.